TETRA is a standard for wireless communication used for Private Mobile Radio networks like Public Safety, Public Transport, Military, etc...
Band | Frequency band of the MS transmitter |
Frequency band of the BS transmitter |
Bandwidth | Duplex spacing |
Base/reference frequency |
Channel number | Unit |
0011 | 380 - 390 | 390 - 400 | 10 | 10 | 300 | 3600 - 4000 | MHz |
0100 | 410 - 420 | 420 - 430 | 10 | 10 | 400 | 800 - 1200 | MHz |
0100 | 450 - 460 | 460 - 470 | 10 | 10 | 400 | 2400 - 2800 | MHz |
1001 | 870 - 876 | 915 - 921 | 6 | 45 | 900 | 600 - 840 | MHz |
Downlink carrier frequency = base frequency + (channel number × 25 kHz)